Facts-Cristina Aguilera

Full name: Christina Maria Aguilera
Date and place of birth: December 18, 1980.Staten Island, New York.
Home: Wexford,  Pennsylvania
Parents: Jim & Shelly
Siblings: Rachel Michael Stephanie (step sister) Casey (step brother)
Influences: She was influenced by Julie Andrews after watching
The Sound Of Music. She then grew up listening to
Whitney Houston Etta James and Billie Holiday
Fave Color: Powder Pink White
Fave Food: Meat and potatoes (esp. Steak)
Fave Artists & Groups: Madonna ,Lauryn Hill Brian, McKnight Korn,Fatboy, Slim Beck, Foxy Brown.
Fave Disney Movies: Mulan Little Mermaid.
Fave Sport: Baseball.
Hobbies & Interests: Shopping, watching movies, hanging out with friends, music, dancing, sport.



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