Management,  Viability  &  Safety

„Wise Machinery“

Concept: We proposed the concept of „Wise Machinery“ which besides their standard functions determine without assistance from Human being who, what, when and how should act for availability, functional efficiency and safety maintaining of the machines. Every “Wise machine” includes: complex equipment of the machine; Data Acquisition System, which measures and reflects the parameters characterizing functioning process of the machine, and “Optimal Parametrical Control System (OPCS)” intended for operative and optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in vital activities process of the machine’s equipment in the limits of its life cycle.

The real OPCS receives the information on the measured parameters characterizing the machine’s functioning process, processes the above information and generates optimal recommendations (instructions) for every specialist engaged in diagnostics, maintenance and operating of above machine. The real OPCS is the computer-aided system, which composes based applied program packages and integrated modules to provide optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in Operating & Maintenance process of the machine.


The problem for OPCS consists in significant reduction the accidents rate of machinery and decreasing enormous financial losses arising in civil and military organizations because of belated, incorrect or non-optimal actions in diagnostics, maintenance and operating of complex equipment in various branches of modern industry.

Novelty of OPCS consists in the fact that they are based on the mathematical description of unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems.

Proposed Optimum Parametrical Control Systems function on the basis of new information processing, decisions making and control technology needed for reliable diagnostics, rational maintenance and flexible operating of complex equipment (“Ergatonics” technology).

Novelty of “Ergatonics” technology:

We discovered a new area in application of artificial intelligence systems – “viability maintaining of complex systems”. In this area we have developed the mathematical description of viability maintaining process of real physical objects (power, aviation and others) for their surviving, self-preservation and steady functioning in external environment. On the basis of above mathematical models we developed the information processing and decisions making technology for reliable diagnostics, rational maintenance and flexible operating of industrial equipment. Novelty of our technology is that it is based on the cybernetic model of viability maintaining process of multi-parametrical objects, algebraic models of equipment as the control object and analytical models of decisions making processes in operating and maintenance of the equipment. The mentioned cybernetic model is multilevel hierarchical control system. The algebraic model is the “Relations Matrix” which fixes the actually existing connections among the parameters characterizing the functioning process of real multi-parametrical object. The analytical models are simple optimizing models, which are developed on the basis of mathematical description of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of biological systems.


Advantages of OPCS:

Purposefulness OPCS make optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in Operating & Maintenance process of complex equipment on the united criterion of minimum expenses to provide given technical availability, functional efficiency and safety indexes of the equipment.

Technical Uniqueness – OPCS is a new type management system, which possesses the advantages of both centralized and decentralized management systems and deprives the storages of these management systems.

Practical Uniqueness – OPCS give optimal recommendations (instructions) for every specialist engaged in Operating & Maintenance of complex equipment and diminish negative influence of “human factor” in emergency situations connected with damages of above equipment.

Economic Uniqueness - OPCS are decisions making systems, which for the first time in the world practice provide significant increasing the productivity of labor and norm of profit in various branches of modern industry.

The primary users of OPCS:

The main OPCS’ users are the Shift Personnel; Engineer-technical Personnel; Operators, which carry out application of machinery and Technical managers, which are leadership in operating and maintenance of complex equipment of their companies. For example, the typical primary users of OPCS are the following:

Shift Personnel of power plants - Unit Operator; Shift Operator; Shift Engineer.

Engineer – Technical Personnel of power plants and Aircraft industries - Operation Engineer; Efficiency Engineer; Project Engineer; Operation Technician and Chief Engineer of power plants or airports.

Operational Personnel in Aircraft industries - Pilots, Engineers and Captains of aircraft.  Managers - Manager of Division and Manager of power plants; Supervisors by every aircraft type; Director of Airline carrier.

Note: The presented primary users were established in detail engineering of the project of “Wise Power Steam Turbine” and in functional engineering of the project “Optimum Parametrical Control System for technical availability and safety maintaining of aircraft”.


Intellectual profit from OPCS for every user:

OPCS process operatively the data on the parameters, characterizing functioning process of complex equipment and give current data needed for every user according to his duty in Operating and Maintenance of above equipment. The above mentioned data are the following:

Information on the actual technical state of the equipment;

Recommendations for optimal actions of every user in Operating & Maintenance of complex equipment with regard to actual technical state of the equipment;

Profit estimation from fulfillment of the recommendations for every user;

Profit estimation from fulfillment of recommendations for Personnel of Controller Office, Engineer-Technical Personnel, Operators and Technical Managers of the company;

Testability, Safety, Functional efficiency, Availability and Viability indexes, which BCS calculates operatively for definition the optimal strategy in ensuring the given above-mentioned indexes of complex equipment with minimum Operating & Maintenance cost of above equipment.

Benchmarks of OPCS’ development:

Benchmarks of OPCS’ development are determined by the results of multiple amplification of intellectual possibilities of Human being in real technical systems, which were evaluated by the „Ergatonic“ company:

1.      „Optimum functional control system of board collisions preventing subsytem of airplanes“ which allowed to increase the testability index of above subsystem from 0.38 till 0.93;

2.      „Multistepped diagnostics system of power steam turbines“ which showed the possibility of recognition so-called “latent” defects before they become evident failure of the machines. Thanks to above feature the Multistepped diagnostics system recognized the damages of steam turbine 2,5 hours earlier in comparison with the shift personnel of power plant;

3.      „Optimum parametrical control system for availability and functional efficiency maintaining of ground-air missile complexes“ which allowed to increase the availability index of above complexes from 0.43 till 0.75 and controllability index - from 0.25 till 0.72;

4.      „Optimum parametrical control system for technical availability and safety maintaining of aviation engines“ which allowed to calculate the increasing of safety index of aircraft from 0.07 till 0.73;

5.      „Optimum parametrical control system (OPCS) for availability and safety maintaining of aircraft“ which allowed to show enormous financial profit from Operating & Maintenance optimization of complex equipment.

The mentioned indexes characterize the quality of BCS and determine the anticipated benefits from OPCS.


Anticipated Benefits  from OPCS

According to our calculation OPCS will provide the significant increasing the viability indexes of complex equipment (machinery). So OPCS provide increasing the Testability index of complex equipment in 2 – 2.4 times, the Availability index – in 1.5 – 2 times, the Functional Efficiency index – in 2 – 2.8 times and Safety index – in 4.5 – 5 times.


Expected Financial Profit from OPCS

The direct financial profit from OPCS consists in decreasing the expenses of industrial companies in operating and maintenance of their equipment. Thanks to OPCS the operating and maintenance cost of the equipment according to our calculation will decrease in 1.5 – 2 times. The expected financial profit from “Optimum parametrical Control Systems for Operating & Maintenance optimization of complex equipment” is enormous. For example, expected financial profit from OPCS for US Ministry of Defense, which has budget 109 billions of dollars for O&M of its military equipment, will be more than 30 billions of US dollars in a year.

Note: Information about budget of US Ministry of Defense was presented in  “Aerospace & Defense” journal, 2001.


Copyright ©  Bravy K, 2003.