Management,  Viability  &  Safety

Pure Reason Science" as the basis for 
a new direction in development of 
Highest Education

Presented by: 
Konstantin Bravy,
Science and Technologies Center, Ashdod, Israel

Abstract: The scientific and technological foundations needed for progress of a new direction in development of "Meta-cybernetics", received the title "Pure Reason Science", are presented. It is marked that novelty of "Pure Reason Science (PRS)" in comparison with "Meta-cybernetics" is that PRS is based on mathematical description of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system. It is demonstrated that PRS allows increasing intellectual possibilities of a Human Being in optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in human networks on 10 in 7 degrees times in comparison with above intellectual possibilities, which a Human Being received on the basis of empirical knowledge during all previous stages in development of world community. It is proposed creating "Pure Reason Institute" for training of high-qualified specialists in main areas of Pure Reason Science necessary for sustainable social- economic development of Israel in modern postindustrial world.

1. Introduction: Philosophical and scientific foundations for development of Pure Reason Science and 
creation of Pure Reason Institute

The concept of "Pure Reason" for the first time was declared by Immanuel Kant who is the greatest philosopher of XVIII of century. I. Kant demonstrated that except knowledge, which begins with experience, "there is any knowledge that is thus independent of experience and even of all impressions of the senses. Such knowledge is entitled a priori, and distinguished from the empirical, which has its sources a posteriori, that is, in experience. Opposed to it is empirical knowledge, which is knowledge possible only a posteriori, that is, through experience". The dialectics of "mind" and "reason" has been advanced by George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. On Hegel's opinion, "mind" is an ability to operate with ready knowledge, and "reason" is a creativity of new knowledge. Carl Gustaf Jung, who approved that there is "a semantic field", has devoted his works to "pure reason". The "semantic field", on Jung, "is connected to a material world" and exists in a "material body", which "in partly merges with this semantic field through unconscious". 

The author's achievements in science and researches are connected with Cybernetics, General Systems Theory and Optimization and Operations Researches Theory. The studying of control and communication processes in the animals, machines and in a society for the first time were presented by Norbert Wiener who is a great American scientist and founder of "Cybernetics". The most important results in the field of General Systems Theory have been received by American scientist M.D. Mesarovic and Russian scientists B.S. Fleishman and A.A. Voronov. The most important results in the field of Management Theory have been received by American scientist M.D. Mesarovic and Russian scientist A.A. Voronov. The most impressing results in the field of Biological Cybernetics are received by American scientist W. Ross Ashby and Russian scientist P.K. Anokhin. Outstanding results in the field of Optimization and Operations Researches Theory have been received by American scientists Dj. fon Neumann and R. Bellman and Russian scientists Í.Í Moiseyev and J.B. Germejer.

In former USSR the author was a professor of St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentations. He received M.Sc. degree (1958) on the specialty Radiolocation, Ph.D. degree (1975) on the specialty "Operating & Maintenance of Complex Equipment" and D.Sc. degree (1990) on the specialty "Information Processing and Control Systems". The main author's scientific interests were connected with Technical Cybernetics.
Novelty of K. Bravy's results in science and technologies are corroborated by 14 innovations, which were considered as the patents (1981 - 1991).
K. Bravy's achievements in researches are determined by the fact that he was a scientific leader of 5 large technological projects in the field of "Operating & Maintenance Optimization of Complex Civil and Military Equipment". The above technological projects were introduced successfully in "Eshelon" board prevention collisions system of airplanes; "KURS- MP/70" landing system of airplanes; "S-75" and "S-200" surface-air missile complexes and "Navigation and landing system" of "Buran" orbital space shuttle (USSR, 1978 - 1988).
The main K. Bravy's achievement in science was the scientific discovery "Conformity with a law of behavior within a goal-oriented system", which was published in Scientific Technical Information Institute's journal "Informsvyz", 1988, N10.
In Israel the author has continued to be engaged in research of conformities with a law of behavior within a organizationally - technical system and has concentrated the attention on researches of unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system. On the basis of these fundamental scientific researches the author for the first time has offered the mathematical description of unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in man-machine systems and human networks. Studying homeostatic activity process of a brain the author demonstrated that the above process is unconscious activity process of a brain, acting on a level of natural automatism. The phenomenon of homeostatic activity of a brain, on author's opinion, is that the above process is a brain's unconscious activity process, which essentially differs from activity of "Consciousness", "Sub-consciousness" and "Super-consciousness". Investigating information homeostatic activity process of a brain, the author has illustrated, that it is a process of right cerebral hemisphere activity of a brain. On the basis of above scientific researches the author has proved a "Paradigm of Viability" which establishes, that the unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system is a Sample for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in man-machine systems and human networks. In this sense the author for the first time has shown, that homeostatic activity process of a brain is a natural model of activity of "pure reason", which allows using effectively the potential opportunities of a brain incorporated in it by the nature itself for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in man-machine systems, human networks and social-economic structures. So the author has demonstrated that Pure Reason Science is a new direction in development of "Meta-cybernetics". Novelty of Pure Reason Science (PRS) is that PRS is born on mathematical description of unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system. The importance of PRS' development is determined by the fact that according to results of researches in Psychophysiology, "in common "balance" of the brain's information processes the unconscious plays extremely essential role". The potential of unconscious activity of a brain is determined by that "on an unconscious level 10 in 9 degrees of bits information per second are processed while on conscious level only 10 in 2 degrees of bits". So the anticipated benefit from development of Pure Reason Science on the author's opinion is determined by the fact that PRS allows increasing the intellectual possibilities of Human Being in optimal solution of all possible management tasks on 10 in 7 degrees times. 

In proposed scientific work the scientific and technological foundations for development of Pure Reason Science necessary for creation of Pure Reason Institute are being discussed. The Formula and the Summary of the description of a scientific discovery "Earlier unknown conformity with a law of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system" are offered. It is shown, that the above discovery in systems biology is the basis for a new direction in development of "Complex Systems Science". It is marked, that development of Pure Reason Science will allow bringing principally changes in the level of scientific cognition in understanding of behavior within a man-machine system, human network and modern social-economic structure. The basic stages and prospects in development of world community are discussed. Distinctive attribute of a new epoch in development of the world community is demonstrated. It is marked, that a Human Being for the first time will receive possibilities for increasing his intellectual opportunities in main areas of "Meta-cybernetics" on 10 in 7 degrees times in comparison with intellectual opportunities, which Human Being had acquired during all previous stages in development of our postindustrial world.

2. Pure Reason Science: 
Scientific and technological foundations

2.1 New direction in development of
"Systems Biology"

2. 1.1 A phenomenon of homeostatic activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system

Homeostatic activity of a brain, as is known, is an unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system. Basic difference of homeostatic activity of a brain from activity of "Consciousness", "Sub-consciousness" and "Super-consciousness", on the author's opinion, consists in the following. 
It is obvious, that the level of development of Consciousness is determined by volume of experience and knowledge, which a Human Being constantly got and transferred from generation to generation at all stages of development of the world community. Then, firstly, it is possible to consider, that homeostatic activity of a brain is such activity, which is carried out without dependence from experience and the knowledge got by a Human Being. Other words, the content and quality of homeostatic activity of a brain of the modern person don't differ from the content and quality of this activity of the monkey, the primitive person and other complex biological systems.
Secondly, homeostatic activity of a brain is not based on the mechanisms of the Sub-consciousness activity, closely connected to skills or social norms, which are well automated and therefore have caused to be realized by the person.
Thirdly, the homeostatic activity of a brain as against activity of Super-consciousness does not eat the material, which has been saved up by Consciousness and partly fixed in Sub-consciousness. It allows approving, that the homeostatic activity of a brain is a special kind of a brain's activity, which essentially differs from activity of "Consciousness", "Sub-consciousness" and "Super-consciousness" and is carried out by right cerebral hemisphere of a brain.
Uniqueness of homeostatic activity of a brain is that this activity of a brain is carried out under the nature laws acting in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems. In this sense, the homeostatic activity of a brain is a special kind of a brain's activity, which is carried out under the nature laws in viability maintaining of complex biological systems.
On the other hand, on the author's opinion, the phenomenon of homeostatic activity of a brain is that the mathematical description of the above brain's activity can become a basis for optimal solution of all possible management tasks, arising in man-machine systems and human networks of modern postindustrial world.

2.1.2 New model of behavior within a complex biological system

The behavior within a complex biological system, on our opinion, is determined by viability maintaining mechanism of above biological system, which includes a homeostatic brain, the internal surrounding and an organism of the biological system, on which behavior the endogenous chance factors X = {Õi}, determining influence of internal defects in an organism of biological system, and exogenous chance factors Y={Yj}, determining influence of an external environment on behavior of the organism simultaneously operate. With that the homeostatic brain is a right cerebral hemisphere, which provides viability of an organism within a complex biological system in real conditions of its existence Z = {Xi, Yj}.

Complex biological system as any complex system may be presented as a control system, which includes control organ, control object and control means. Control organ in above-mentioned control system is a homeostatic brain of complex biological system. Control object is an organism of biological system, on which behavior the endogenous chance factors X = {Õi} and exogenous chance factors Y={Yj} simultaneously operate. Control means is an internal surrounding of complex biological system.

The viability maintaining process, which determines behavior within a complex biological system in real conditions of its existence Z, Z = {Xi, Yj}, may be presented by the following manner. The control organ requests the information on the health state of control object. The control object by inquiry of control organ gives out the information about the current state of the parameters characterizing the vital activities process of control object. The control organ processes this information and develops managing influences necessary for indemnification of chance factors Z = {Xi, Yj}, determining negative influence of internal defects of an organism and external environment acting on complex biological system in real conditions of its existence. The control means receive the information on the above managing influences and provide the compensation of negative influence of above chance factors acting on the behavior of complex biological system. 

The proposed model of homeostatic activity of a brain for viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system radically differs from all known model of behavior within a complex biological system by the following attributes:
· It is shown that the homeostatic activity process of a brain is unconscious activity process of a brain, which has not been burdened by mistakes and delusions of experience.
· It is established, that information homeostatic activity process of a brain essentially differs from "Consciousness", "Sub-consciousness" and "Super-consciousness" activities of a Human Being, which, as is known, are in some extent connected with experience and knowledge. 
· It is marked, that a homeostatic brain acts on the basis of natural automatism and provides effective using the huge potential opportunities of a brain put in it by the nature itself. The huge potential opportunities of a homeostatic brain is determined by the fact, that in common "balance" of a brain information processes, as is known, 10 in 9 degree bits of information per second is being processed on unconscious activity level of a brain, at the same time on conscious activity level only 10 in 2 degree of bits.

2.1.3 Earlier unknown conformity with a law of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within 
a complex biological system

On the basis of new model of behavior within a complex biological system the earlier unknown conformity with a law of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system, consisting in strict mathematical dependence the integral viability property of complex biological system from cybernetic properties of an organism, which are characterized by testability, controllability and steady functioning of the organism in real conditions of its existence (Z ={X,Y}), and from compensatory abilities of a homeostatic brain of the biological system in relation to endogenous chance factors (X = {Xi}) determining a health state of an organism, and exogenous chance factors (Y = {Yj), determining influence of an external environment on behavior of above complex biological system is established.

It is demonstrated that the above scientific discovery concerns to area of systems biology, in particular - to biological cybernetics and is devoted to research of information processes of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system. 
The essence of the discovery in systems biology consists in strict mathematical dependence of integral viability property of a complex biological system from testability, controllability and steady functioning of an organism within a complex biological system and from compensatory abilities of its homeostatic brain in relation to endogenous chance factors determining a health state of an organism and in relation to exogenous chance factors determining influence of an external environment on the behavior of a complex biological system.
Importance of the discovery for development of systems biology is that for the first time the strict mathematical description of viability maintaining process within a complex biological system is offered. Earlier physiologists had investigated the process of a homeostasis, and leading scientists in biological cybernetics had investigated the contours of indemnification of chance factors influencing on behavior of biological system, and adaptation processes of biological system in relation to conditions of an external environment.

2.1.4 Basic laws of behavior within a complex biological system 

On the basis of above scientific discovery in systems biology 5 (five) nature laws, which received the title "Laws of biological cybernetics" have been formulated.

The 1'st law of biological cybernetics establishes, that viability maintaining of complex biological systems is carried out by the special bio-cybernetic mechanism, which received the name "Bio-cybernetic Control System (BCS)". 
It is demonstrated, that the mathematical model of "Bio-cybernetic Control System" is a multilevel hierarchical system of contours intended for indemnification of chance factors Z = {X, Y}, X = {Õi}, Y = {Yj}, influencing on behavior of an organism of biological system. Thus the structure of contours intended for indemnification of chance factors Z = {X, Y}, influencing on behavior of an organism of biological system, is simply determined by elements of set of these chance factors. Hierarchical character of relations between contours of indemnification exogenous chance factors Y = {Yj} and endogenous chance factors X = {Õi} is determined by that infringement of health of an organism reduces its opportunities under indemnification of the chance factors determining influence of an external environment on performance by an organism of its physiological functions. Hierarchical character of relations between contours intended for indemnification of various type endogenous chance factors X = {Õi} is determined by their difference on relative influence on serviceability of an organism. Each contour is an independent control system, on which behavior influences one from various types of the chance factors determining behavior of biological system. The above control system includes control organ, control means and control object. The control organ determines methods for indemnification of chance factors. The control means carry out connection between control organ and control object. The control object carries out physiological functions of complex biological system. The control organ is a homeostatic brain, the control means is an internal surrounding, and the control object is an organism of the complex biological system. The above basic Law of biological cybernetics establishes also, that model of an organism of biological system as the diagnostics object, is simply determined by the "partial order operator" on the set of parameters describing internal maintenance process of an organism. And, at last, the Law of biological cybernetics establishes, that model of an organism of complex biological system as the object of operative control of above organism's activities in external environment, is determined by set of conditions of vital activities of an organism in external environment, set of all possible vital activities modes of an organism and set of the illnesses reducing or excluding an opportunity of use of these modes.

The 2'nd law of biological cybernetics establishes, that the index of quality of a homeostatic brain functioning is determined by reliability of the information on a state of health of an organism (Ä) and the above index the more bigger, the less duration (t ) formation of the managing influences necessary for indemnification of chance factors, influencing on behavior of an organism, and than more allowable duration (Òadm) of indemnification of these factors. 

The 3'th law of biological cybernetics establishes, that index (Ã) of quality of internal health services of an organism the higher, the lower the "index of disease" of an organism, which value is determined by the attitude of total duration (Ti) of existence of all evident and latent defects of an organism to duration (T0) of a cycle of supervision over a state of an organism's health.

The 4'th law of biological cybernetics establishes, that index (G) of steady functioning of a healthy organism in allowable conditions ? = {?j} of its existence is determined by probability p(?j) occurrence of each of allowable conditions ?j º ? of a healthy organism functioning and probability (Gj) of performance of physiological functions of a healthy organism in each of allowable conditions ?j º ? which are determined by influence of the exogenous chance factors Y={Yj} determining influence of an external environment on performance of its physiological functions.

The 5'th law of biological cybernetics establishes, that the viability index (V) of complex biological system is determined by product of quality index (Ã) of contours intended for indemnification of the endogenous chance factors (X={Xi}) describing a health state of an organism, and quality index (E) of contours intended for indemnification of exogenous chance factors (Y={Yj}), determining influence of an external environment on performance of physiological functions of an organism.

2.1.5 "Paradigm of Viability": proof of correctness

The paradigm, as it is known, is a theory (the statement, model or system of sights), accepted as a sample for decision of a research task. In this sense, the "Paradigm of Viability" is a statement that the process of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system is a Sample for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in man-machine systems, human networks and social - economic structures. 
Correctness of this "Paradigm of Viability" is determined by the following reasons:
· Complex technical and organizationally - technical like any complex biological system are multi-parameter control objects on which behavior generally can influence endogenous chance factors and exogenous chance factors. 
· The viability maintaining process of complex technical, organizationally- technical and biological systems is an information processing process on an actual state of multi-parameter objects and generation the managing influences necessary for compensation of chance factors, influencing on behavior of control objects within the limits of their life cycle.
· The operations, which are realized during unconscious activity process of a homeostatic brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system, coincide with operations arising in operating and maintenance process of complex technical systems in the limits of their life cycle. 
· Management by behavior of production, social- economic and public-political systems can be considered as a viability maintaining process of these systems. 
The unconscious activity Process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system is carried out in frameworks of "Bio-intellectual Control Systems", which possess advantages of the both centralized control systems and decentralized control systems and are deprived shortcomings of all known control systems.
Practical importance of correctness proof of a "Paradigm of Viability" is determined by the fact that it establishes possibility to use the mathematical description of unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in man-machine systems, human networks and social - economic structures. And at last correctness proof of a "Paradigm of Viability" allows to affirm that "Laws of biological cybernetics" are universal laws of behavior within a complex system, which received the title "Laws of pure reason".

2.2. Bio-cybernetic foundations for a new direction in development of modern industry 

2.2.1 Optimal Parametrical Control Systems (OPCS)
for Viability Maintaining of Modern Machinery: scientific and technological foundations
OPCS are a new generation control systems intended for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in viability maintaining of modern machinery and for minimization of operating and maintenance cost of complex equipment in the limits of its life cycle.
The technology of OPCS' functioning is based on totally new and radically different model of behaviour within a complex biological system. The above model allowed receiving the following scientific results necessary for understanding of behaviour within a man-machine system:
· Earlier unknown conformity with a law of unconscious activities of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system, through which the Laws of systems biology became evident, was established. 
· The "Laws of systems biology", which are the basis for mathematical description of multilevel hierarchical structure of viability maintaining system, presenting behavior within a complex biological system, were formulated. 
· It is demonstrated, that the above laws of systems biology are the basis for presentation of "Bio-cybernetic Control Systems", which possess advantages of both centralized control systems and decentralized control systems and are deprived of shortcomings inheriting to above control systems.
· The correctness of "Paradigm of Viability", which establishes, that unconscious activities process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system is a Sample for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in a man-machine system, is proved. 
· It is demonstrated, that the 1'st law of bio-cybernetics is the basis to determinate the structure of OPCS intended for viability maintaining of modern machinery.
· It is shown, that the 2'nd, 3'rd, 4'th and 5'th laws of bio-cybernetics are the basis to establish the viability indexes necessary for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in operating and maintenance process of modern machinery and for minimization of operating and maintenance cost of complex equipment in the limits of its life cycle.

The functioning process of above "Optimal Parametrical Control Systems (OPCS)" is carried out on the basis of a new information processing and decisions making technology necessary for reliable diagnostics, rational maintenance and flexible operating of complex equipment ("Ergatonics" technology).

2.2.2 Short presentation of OPCS

Optimal Parametrical Control System (OPCS) like any management system includes an organ of control, means of control and object of control. Control object is complex equipment, which we presented as the multi-parametrical object, on which behavior the endogenous chance factors, determining the equipment's technical state, and exogenous chance factors, determining the influence of external environment on behavior of complex equipment, are acting. Control means are engineer-technical personnel and technical managers of industrial enterprises or military organizations, which engaged in operating and maintenance process of complex equipment. Control organ is a new generation Expert System, which received the title "Wise Managing Subsystem (WMS)" of OPCS.
Algorithm of OPCS functioning consists in the following: "Wise Managing Subsystem (WMS)" receives information on the parameters characterizing functioning process of the machine's equipment, processes data on the state of above parameters and makes optimal instructions for every specialist engaged in operating and maintenance of the equipment according to their duties in above spheres. In this sense OPCS are new type management systems, which like bio-cybernetic control systems possess advantages of both centralized management systems and decentralized management systems and are deprived of the shortcomings of these management systems. 

2.2.3 Main managing blocks of OPCS

The main managing OPCS' s blocks are the following:

Block 1. Testability Indexes Maximization;

Block 2. Degree Readiness Recognition;

Block 3. Operating & Maintenance Optimization;

Block 4. Viability Indexes Estimation.

Block 1 meant for choosing the minimum number measured parameters for reliable control of complex equipment's serviceability state.
Block 2 meant for operative recognition of actual complex equipment's technical state and determination who and what should act for technical availability, functional efficiency and safety maintaining of the equipment's use with regard to its actual technical state.
Block 3 meant for Operating & Maintenance optimization of complex equipment in order to technical availability, functional efficiency and safety maintaining of above equipment's use in the limits of its life cycle.
Block 3 includes four sub-blocks. Sub-block 3.1 meant for recognition emergency and pre- emergency situations and generation recommendations immediately for safety maintaining of machinery in above situations. Sub-block 3.2 meant for minimization the duration of defects' location of complex equipment with regard to its actual technical state. Sub-block 3.3 meant for determination optimum terms for current maintenance and capital repair of complex equipment. Sub-block 3.4 meant for operative selection the optimal mode of multi-regimes systems' application with regard to their actual technical state.
Block 4 meant for operative estimation of viability indexes. In common case viability indexes include technical availability, functional efficiency and safety indexes of equipment's use for definition the optimum strategy for increasing viability of the equipment and decreasing of its life cycle cost.

2.2.4 Advantages of OPCS

General Applicability - OPCS makes optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in Operating & Maintenance process of complex equipment with minimum expenses to provide given technical availability, functional efficiency and safety indexes of the equipment's use which is united criterion for optimal solution of above management tasks. 

Technical Uniqueness - OPCS is a new type management system, which possesses advantages of both centralized and decentralized management systems and deprives the shortcomings of these management systems.

Safety Assurance - OPCS gives optimal recommendations (instructions) for preventing of emergency and pre-emergency situations in machine functioning process and diminishes negative influence of "human factor" in emergency situations connected with damages of above machinery.

Economic Uniqueness - OPCS provide operating and maintenance optimization of complex equipment in the limits of its life cycle cost.

Flexibility - The OPCS functions are corrected by special tasks arising in Operating & Maintenance process of real equipment.

Feasibility - The Ergatonic Company has experience in development of OPCS for optimal decisions making in diagnostics, maintenance and operating of complex systems such as power steam turbines, ground - air missile complexes, board preventing collisions system of airplanes, aircraft, tank engines and navigation and landing system of orbital space shuttle. 

2.2.5. Primary Users of OPCS

The main OPCS' users are the Personnel of industrial enterprises or military organizations, engaged in operating and maintenance of complex equipment. For example, the Personnel of Controller's Office at airport, Engineer- technical Personnel engaged in maintenance and repair of aviation equipment in airport, Personnel of aircraft and managers engaged in operating and maintenance of aircraft's equipment of their aviation companies.

Personnel of Controller's Office at airport:
o Duty Controller; 
o Duty Engineer;
o Manager of Controller's Office.

Engineer - Technical Personnel at airport:
o Operation Engineer;
o Efficiency Engineer;
o Project Engineer;
o Operation Technician;
o Manager of Department:
o Chief Engineer.

Personnel of aircraft:
o Pilot of aircraft;
· Engineer of aircraft;
o Manager of aircraft.

Managers in Operating & Maintenance of aircraft:
o Operation Manager of every type aircraft;
o Chief Technical Manager of airport;
o Technical Director of the company.

2.2.6 Anticipated benefit from OPCS Technological benefit from OPCS
On the basis of OPCS the concept "Wise Machinery", which independently, without assistance from a Human Being determines who, what, when and how should act for optimal viability maintaining of the machines, was offered. Industry evaluated benefit from OPCS:

OPCS allowed to increase the testability index of complex equipment - in 2,5 times, technical availability index of complex equipment - in 1,7 times, functional efficiency index of multi-regimes technical system - in 2,8 times, safety index of modern machinery's use - in more than 5 times and reduce operating and maintenance cost of complex equipment - more, than in 1,5 times. Expected financial profit from OPCS:
The financial profit from OPCS intended for Operating & Maintenance Optimization of complex equipment is enormous. For example, the direct financial profit from OPCS for US Ministry of Defense, which according to information presented by "Aerospace & Defense" journal has budget for Operating & Maintenance of its military equipment more than 100 billions of dollars, will be more than 30 billions of US dollars in a year. 

2.2.7 New generation industry 

Development and mastering of "Wise Machinery" is the brightest attribute of a new generation industry, when a Human Being for the first time will allow to use effectively huge, but for the present time not enough estimated potential of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system for ensuring given viability indexes of modern machines and for minimization of operating and maintenance cost of complex civil and military equipment in the limits of its life cycle. The value of above huge potential is determined that according to results of researches in Psychophysiology in common "balance" of brain's information processes on unconscious activities level of bits of information per second is processed while on conscious activities level only of bits.

2.3. Laws of pure reason as the basis for understanding of behavior within a man-machine system, human network and 
social-economic structure

2.3.1 Laws of pure reason as the basis for operating and maintenance optimization of complex equipment

A new direction in understanding of behavior within a man-machine system and a human network connected with K. Bravy's achievements in research of behavior within a complex biological system, which include the following:
· The new model of behavior within a complex biological system, which is the basis for mathematical description of unknown earlier conformity with a law of viability maintaining of complex biological systems, is presented. 
· It is demonstrated, that the earlier unknown conformity with a law in viability maintaining of complex biological systems is the basis for formulating of "Laws of biological cybernetic".
· The proof of "Paradigm of Viability" correctness allowed demonstrating that "Laws of biological cybernetic" are universal nature laws of behavior within a man-machine system and human network, which received the title "Laws of pure reason".
· The "Laws of pure reason", which are the basis for mathematical description of multilevel hierarchical structure of "Viability maintaining system", presenting behavior within a complex system, are formulated. 
The main K. Bravy's achievements in operating and maintenance optimization of complex equipment in the limits of its life cycle are the following:
· It is demonstrated, that the laws of viability maintaining within a complex biological system are the basis for creation of "Bio-cybernetic Control Systems", which possess advantages of both centralized control systems and decentralized control systems and are deprived of shortcomings inheriting to above control systems.
· The correctness of "Paradigm of Viability", which establishes, that viability maintaining process within a complex biological system is a Sample for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in operating and maintenance optimization of complex equipment in the limits of its life cycle, is proved. 
· It is demonstrated, that the nature laws acting in systems biology are the basis for "Bio-cybernetic Control Systems" necessary for viability maintaining of modern machinery.
It is shown, that the above "Bio-cybernetic Control System" is multilevel hierarchical control system, which includes 5 subsystems necessary for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in operating and maintenance of complex equipment: preventing the accidents and catastrophic of modern machinery; correct actions in pre-emergency state of machinery; determination the optimal terms of technical maintenance and capital repair of machinery and selection of correct action in application of multi-modes systems with regard to their actual technical state.

2.3.2 Laws of pure reason as the basis for understanding of behavior within a man-machine system and a human network

The main author's achievements in understanding of behavior within a man-machine system and human network are the following:
· On the basis of bio-cybernetic architecture the "Optimal Parametrical Control Systems (OPCS)", which intended for essential increase of technical availability, functional efficiency and safety application of modern machines (aircraft, power plants, atomic power stations, space-oriented systems and etc.), are developed. 
· The manufacture of OPCS to increase significantly technical availability, functional efficiency and safety of modern machinery's application and for essential decreasing of operating and maintenance cost of complex equipment in various branches of modern industry, is started.
· The concept "Wise Machinery", which independently, without participation of a Human being determines who, what, when and how should act for optimal maintaining of technical availability, functional efficiency and safety of machines' application during the limits of their life cycle, is offered. 
· It is marked, that development of "Wise Machinery" opens a new direction in the progress of modern industry and is a basic condition for ensuring the competitiveness of Israel and other developed countries on the world market "Program product for "Operating & Maintenance Optimization" of complex equipment.
· It is marked, that "Wise Machinery" for the first time demonstrates the possibility to use effectively huge, but till now insufficient used potential of intellectual opportunities of a brain put in it by the nature itself, for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in modern industry. 

The methodology for development of "Bio-cybernetics Management Systems" for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in the modern social-economic system is proposed.
· It is shown, that the above "Bio-cybernetic Management System" is the multilevel hierarchical control system, which includes 5 subsystems intended for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in Production, Ecology, Medicine services, Education and Social ensuring of citizens in most developed countries of modern postindustrial world.

2.3.3 Laws of pure reason as the basis for understanding of behavior in set of
social-economic structures

The development process of social-economic structures, on the author's opinion, is the multilevel hierarchical control system, which includes "World of nature", "World of handicrafts", "Agricultural world", "Industrial world", "World of communication", "World of intellect", "World of reason" and "World of soul", characterizing various stages in development of world community. 
It is demonstrated, that "World of nature" presents the stage in development of world community when iron hatchet necessary for "World of handicrafts" appeared; "World of handicrafts" presents the stage when wheel necessary for "Agricultural world" appeared; "Agricultural world" presents the stage when steam machine necessary for "Industrial world" appeared; "Industrial world" presents the stage when computer necessary for "World of communication" appeared; "World of communication" presents the stage when Data Acquisition System necessary for "World of intellect" appeared; "World of intellect" presents the stage when Expert Systems necessary for "World of reason" appeared; "World of reason" presents the stage when "Bio-cybernetic Control Systems" necessary for new direction in development of modern industry appeared and "World of soul" presents the stage when "Bio-cybernetic Management Systems" necessary for new direction in development of modern social-economic structure will appear. So we demonstrated that set of social-economic structures includes 7 above-mentioned formations.
It is shown, that the "World of intellect" is a world, which is realized in most developed countries in modern postindustrial world.
It is underlined, that the "World of reason" is a world of future, which is being born on the basis of scientific discovery in systems biology as the basis for a new direction in development of modern industry.
It is marked, that the "World of soul" is a world of mercy and justices, which most brim-fully presents a new epoch in development of world community.

So all above-mentioned allows making the conclusion, that a new model of behavior within a complex biological system is the basis for radical changes in the level of scientific cognition in behavior of social-economic structures. 

2.4 New model of behavior within a complex biological system as the basis for a new direction in development of world community 

2.4.1 New direction in development of known areas in
"Meta-cybernetics & Complex Systems Science

The author has demonstrated that the mathematical description of behavior within a complex biological system is the basis for a new direction in development of Cybernetics, General Systems Theory, Computer Science, Industrial Sciences & Ecology, Life Science & Medicine, Social Sciences & Social Psychology, Political Sciences, Soul Science & Psychophysiology, Futurology, Wisdom Science, Bionics and Genetics. Besides he developed the scientific basis for development of united viability maintaining theory of complex technical, organizationally - technical and biological systems ("Viability Science") and main principals for development of the "Science on a heredity and variability of social-economic structures ("World Community Science")".

2.4.2 Earlier unknown directions in development of
complex systems science

Science on viability of complex systems

The discovery "Earlier unknown conformities with a law of viability maintaining of complex biological systems" through which action the objective "Laws of biological cybernetics" became evident, and proof of a "Paradigm of Viability" were the basis to formulate the universal laws of viability maintaining of complex technical, organizational, organizationally- technical and complex biological systems. These universal laws of viability maintaining within a complex system have received the title "Laws of pure reason". Correctness of "Laws of pure reason" is experimentally confirmed in various branches of modern industry. 
The author has demonstrated, that "Laws of pure reason" are a basis for development of a science on viability maintaining of man-machine systems and human network. The above science has received the title "Viability Science". Object of research of Viability Science are complex systems, including a control organ, a control means and a control object, on behavior of which the endogenous chance factors and exogenous chance factors are influencing. The above complex systems received the title "Vital Systems".
A subject of research of Viability Science is processes of survival, self-preservation and steady functioning of vital systems in real conditions of their existence. The technology of Viability Science is a technology necessary for viability maintaining of vital systems. The above technology is based on the mathematical description of unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system ("Vita-technology"). Means of Viability Science within a man-machine system are Optimal Parametrical Control Systems (OPCS) for viability maintaining of complex equipment in various branches of modern industry during its life cycle. 
Development of Vita-technology for viability maintaining of complex machinery is completed. Optimal Parametrical Control Systems have passed primary approbation in modern industry. Benefit from OPCS for viability maintaining of modern industry that they provide significant reduction of accidents rate and allow reducing significantly enormous financial losses of modern industry because of belated, wrong or not optimal actions in operating and maintenance of complex equipment. Development of OPCS in public-political sphere will allow coordinating the interests of various social groups of citizens for viability maintaining of modern postindustrial world. The coordination of interests between various social groups of citizens, on the author's opinion, will allow reducing enormous losses of world community because of destructive consequences of the global terrorist activity representing real threat for existing democratic bases of further development of the modern society. The main achievement of the author is methodology, which allows laying down the strategy for ensuring personal safety of a Human being in modern postindustrial world.

Science on a heredity and variability of social- economic structures
Substantive provisions of a science on the viability of complex systems have allowed the author to offer the stratified model of inheritance of material and spiritual culture of a Human being on various stages of forward development of the civilized world. This model represents the description of the basic stages of a history, the present state and the future development of the civilized world. It is shown, that all development stages of the civilized world which description is carried out by the uniform attributes characterizing any level of development of this world form the set of social-economic structures. It is marked, that each structure is characterized by the state of development of the "world of techniques", the "world of ideas" and the "world of people". The world of techniques, the world of ideas and the world of people, on the author's opinion, actively cooperate with each other and develop according to the "Laws of pure reason" in viability maintaining of organizationally - technical systems. Change of social-economic structures, on the author's opinion, occurs in the moment when the world community is unable to solve even one from all possible hypothetical management tasks arising during vital activity of this community. Such over- management tasks arise within the framework of each social-economic structure. For description of the mechanism necessary to change social-economic structures the author has offered the concept of "Over-Consciousness". According to this concept the "Over-Consciousness" establishes objective laws for satisfaction constantly growing material and spiritual needs of a Human Being at various stages of the world community progress. The author has shown, that laws of "Over-Consciousness" action are the Laws of pure reason on the basis of which a Human Being on each stage of the civilized world's development designs principally new technologies for survival, self-preservation and steady functioning of the structure with regard to an actual state of development of the physical world including the humanity, industry, fauna and flora. These basic results of the author's scientific researches were a basis for development of Science about a heredity and variability of social-economic structures. Now, if to pay attention that each social-economic structure is the living organism having quite certain duration of life cycle one may establish that the author's discovery in systems biology is a basis for new direction in development of Complex Systems Science, received the name "Science on a heredity and variability of social-economic structures ("World Community Science")".

2.4.3 The importance of scientific discovery in systems biology for radical changes in the level of scientific cognition behavior of world community 
in modern postindustrial world.

Importance of discovery in systems biology for new direction in development of cybernetics is that it is a basis for creation of "Bio-cybernetic Control Systems" intended for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in operating and maintenance process of complex equipment in the limits of its life cycle. Novelty of "Bio-cybernetic Control Systems (BCS)" in comparison with known Expert Systems (ES) in operating and maintenance process of complex equipment is that BCS function on the basis of mathematical description of unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system. ES as it is known are functioning on the basis of formalization of experts' experience in their areas of modern industry. Uniqueness of "Bio-cybernetic Control Systems" in comparison with all known management systems is that BCS possess advantages of both centralized management systems and decentralized management systems and are deprived shortcomings of above management systems.

Importance of discovery in systems biology for development of complex systems science is that it became a basis for development of united viability maintaining theory of complex biological systems, man-machine systems, human networks and social-economic structures ("Viability Science").
Importance of discovery in systems biology for development of modern industry is that it is a basis for creation of "Optimal Parametrical Control Systems", allowing considerably decreasing an existing level of accidents and catastrophic in various branches of modern industry and essentially reduce enormous financial losses of industrial enterprises because of belated, wrong or not optimal actions in the field of operating and maintenance of their equipment. 
Importance of discovery in systems biology for new direction in development of social-economic systems is, that it is a basis for creation of "Bio-cybernetic Management Systems", allowing considerably increase efficiency of social-economic activities on the basis of transparent solution of all possible interconnected management tasks arising in the field of production, ecology, medicine service, education and ensuring of social-economic service of citizens in most developed countries in modern postindustrial world. 
Importance of discovery in systems biology for solution of humanitarian problems is that it is a basis for mathematical description of multi-stepped management system for ensuring personal safety of a Human being in modern postindustrial world: the discovery has allowed to determine the concept of concordance of the interests between various social groups of citizens in developed countries and to propose a way for reduction enormous losses of the world community because of destructive consequences of global terrorist activity, representing real threat for existent democratic bases in development of world community in modern postindustrial world. 
Importance of discovery in systems biology for increasing the level in scientific cognition of "Meta-cybernetics" and "Complex Systems Science" is that it became a basis for a new direction in development of Cybernetics, General Systems Theory, Computer Science, Industrial Sciences, Life Science, Social Sciences, Political Sciences, Soul Science, Wisdom Science, Futurology, Bionics and Genetics. Special importance of the author's discovery is, that it is a basis for development of a Science on viability maintaining of complex systems ("Viability Science") and Science on a heredity and variability of social-economic structures ("World Community Science")".
Importance of discovery in systems biology for new direction in development of world community is that the above discovery is a basis for development of a "Reason-based society", which opens a new epoch in development of world community. Distinctive attribute of a new epoch in comparison with all previous stages in development of world community is that a Human Being for the first time will receive an opportunity for effective use of huge, but for present not enough estimated potential of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in human networks including a global problem: ensuring the personal safety of a Human Being in modern postindustrial world.

3 Pure Reason Institute: new direction in development of Highest Education in main areas of "Meta-cybernetics"

3.1 Intellectual Technologies Institute as the basis for development of 
Pure Reason Science

Since 1993 the permanent scientific seminar "Intellectual Systems", which weekly works in Ashdod city (Israel).
In 1999 on the basis of above permanent seminar Ashdod Science and Technologies Center has been created. 75 qualified specialists, including 14 D.Sc. degree specialists (professors) and 34 Ph.D. specialists (doctors) take part in the work of the Center. Among the above-mentioned specialists there are Academician of Academy of Natural Sciences of Russian Federation and 5 State Prize Laureates of former USSR, Russia and Ukraine.
From the end of 2000 within the framework of Science and Technologies Center the "Intellectual Technologies Institute (ITI)", which has united the scientists acting in wide area "Information Processing and Control Systems", began functioning.
Within the framework of Intellectual Technologies Institute the Scientific Council on a complex problem "Management, viability and safety" began to work. 

In May - June, 2001 on the basis of researches and developments of Ashdod Science and Technologies Center the contract about cooperation in the field of science, education and technologies with Embassy of Ukraine in the state of Israel, and then - with " St.-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentations" were signed.
In November, 2001 Ashdod Science and Technologies Center has led the International Scientifically - practical Conference, which had the title "Industry of the future". The Israeli specialists in various branches of modern industry took part in the work of above Conference. Among guests, which took part in the work of Conference were: Vice-president of Israel Union of Scientists - Repatriates, the first deputy of the ambassador and the head of economic mission of Embassy of Ukraine, the secretary and the assistant of the military attache of Embassy of Russia, the pro-rector on development of a university complex and innovations and the dean of the faculty of control systems of "St.-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentations". In the resolution of the Conference was marked, that scientific and scientifically - practical results of Ashdod Science and Technologies Center have put a valuable contribution in Industrial Science and technologies, which are the basis for a new direction in development of modern industry.

Since April 2002 till August 2003 the Intellectual Technologies Institute has led Israel Conference named "Intellect and creativity", Israel scientific seminar "Over- Consciousness: scientific and technological foundations", Israel scientifically- practical seminar "Wise Machinery: state and prospects of development" and the seminar "Laws" of pure reason and a new direction in development of modern industry", led by Scientific Council on a complex problem "Management, Viability and Safety" of Ashdod Science and Technologies Center. As the results of the above seminars and conferences "Scientific Notes" of Intellectual Technologies Institute and materials of special issue of "Scientific Israel - Technological Advantages" magazine have been prepared. 

The core of the fundamental scientific researches organized in Intellectual Technologies Institute, became studying unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system. On the basis of studying this process the author has offered mathematical model of "pure reason" activity allowing effective using the potential opportunities of a brain, incorporated in it by the nature itself, for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in modern postindustrial world.
So our Intellectual Technologies Institute finished the large period in its progress in wide area connected with "Information Processing and Control Systems" and began the deep researches of "Pure Reason Science".

3.2 "Pure Reason Science": 
new direction in development of "Meta-cybernetics"
In October 2003, we received information on the program "Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society", which was developed by European Unit's Commission for providing long-term competitiveness of European Unit on the international market.
In the frames of above program the author developed the proposal "Bio-cybernetic foundations for optimal governance in a knowledge-based society". Then, according to recommendation from national representative of Israel in the program of European Unit, he developed the proposal "Earlier unknown conformity with a law of behavior within a complex biological system as the basis for "break-through" research in complex systems science". This proposal the author developed in "Tackling complexity in science" initiative, which is related to special European program oriented for principally new science and technologies. Thanks to above proposal he developed the computer-aided presentation of "Pure Reason Science (PRS)".
The Pure Reason Science, according to his idea is a new direction in development of science and techniques connected with optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in operating and maintenance process of complex equipment, viability maintaining process of modern machinery, man-machine systems, human networks and social-economic structures. The distinctive features of PRS are that it is based on the mathematical description of unconscious activities of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system. 
The Pure Reason Science is being developed on the basis of totally new and radically different model of behavior within a complex biological system, which is the basis for the scientific discovery "Earlier unknown conformity with a law of unconscious activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism within a complex biological system".
Anticipated benefit from studying Pure Reason Science (PRS) is determined by the fact that PRS will allow to increase intellectual possibilities of a Human Being in optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in modern postindustrial world on 10 in 7 degrees times in comparison with intellectual possibilities, which a Human Being received on all previous stages in development of world community.
Importance of Pure Reason Science (PRS)' studying is that a Human Being received the technology necessary for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in operating and maintenance of modern machinery and methodology necessary for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in human networks and social-economic structures. And at last, PRS for the first time allowed marking correct way for solution of over-management task: ensuring personnel safety of a Human Being in modern postindustrial world.

3.3 Pure Reason Institute (PRI): aims, main faculties and departments of PRI and anticipated benefit from PRI
In the frames of Intellectual Technologies Institute the author developed the computer-aided presentation of "Pure Reason Science (PRS)". 
On the basis of PRS he proposed to create "Pure Reason Institute (PRI)", which would carry out training of high-qualified specialists in main areas of "Complex Systems Science" necessary for providing long-term competitiveness of Israel in modern postindustrial world.
Pure Reason Institute according to our plan will include 6 Faculties for training of specialists in development of known areas of "Complex Systems Science". The above-mentioned areas are the following: Cybernetics, Systems Theory, Optimization and Operations Researches Theory; Industrial Sciences, Life Science & Medicine, Economic Science, Social Sciences, Political Sciences & Futurology; Soul Science, Psychology & Psychophysiology; Computer Science, Wisdom Science, Bionics & Genetics. In Pure Reason Institute will be also carried out training of high-qualified specialists in unknown earlier directions in development of Complex Systems Science: Science on viability of complex systems ("Viability Science") and Science on heredity and variability of social-economic structures ("World Community Science"). The World Community Science will include studying of material and spirit culture of a Human Being on every stage in development of above structures.
To-day the author plans creating Pure Reason Institute in the frames of Ben-Gurion University in the Negev. The author and his learners are sure that our Pure Reason Institute is interesting for European countries and other developed countries in the world. On the example of European Unit we consider our Pure Reason Institute will ensure long-term competitiveness of Israel on international market in modern postindustrial world.
Except educational part, Pure Reason Institute will include "Bio-cybernetic Technologies Center (BTC)", which we consider as the technological incubator of PRI. The development of BTC will carried out on the basis of development and mastering of "Optimal Parametrical Control Systems (OPCS)" intended for viability maintaining of modern machinery, operating and maintenance co


Copyright ©  Bravy K, 2003.