Management,  Viability  &  Safety


            1. Cybernetics: short presentation

 The viability maintaining process of complex systems such as biological, technological, social-economic and public-political systems, on the author’s opinion, is the process of optimum solution of all possible management tasks arising in modern postindustrial world. Interest to research of managerial processes, as is known, has arisen under influence of ideas of great American scientist Norbert Wiener [1] and his "Cybernetics". In a vein of Cybernetics the general systems theory [2, 3], theories of management [4], optimization [5] and operations research [6] have received development. These scientific results already to the beginning of 80-th years have allowed defining an object of research, subject of research and specific Cybernetics’ methods of research. Significant results by this time have been received in biological cybernetics [7, 8] and in economic cybernetics [9]. At the same time "Cybernetics", as is known, has not got shape of a fundamental science. It, in opinion of the author, is explained by that the Cybernetics has no the strict laws of management similar to laws of thermodynamics which operate in power, or similar to laws of the nature which operate in physics.

2. Management, Viability & Safety: short presentation

In 1988 in former Soviet Union the author has published an article about laws of goal-oriented systems behavior [10]. In this article the author has offered the mathematical description the conformities with a law of management of vital activities processes of complex technical and organizationally - technical systems. In 1992 the author has submitted the claim on the scientific discovery of the unknown conformities with a law of behavior of ergatic systems [11]. After 1992 in Israel the author has continued research of these laws and has concentrated the attention on research of laws and processes of viability maintaining of biological systems. For the period since 1993 in Israel the author has executed more than 20 scientific works. The basic results of scientific researches of the author are submitted in scientific works «Laws of management and communication in complex systems», «Laws and processes homeostatic activity of a brain» and «Dynamics and prospects of the world community development» which are published in Works of Intellectual Technologies Institute (Àshdod, Israel). In the first work the author has presented the mathematical description of the earlier unknown conformities with law of viability maintaining of biological systems. In the second work the definition of property of viability of complex systems is given; the description of viability maintaining process of complex technical and organizationally - technical systems is offered; laws of viability maintaining of biological systems are formulated and the new direction in development of psychology which can be considered as a “soul science” is submitted. In the third work substantive provisions of a science about viability of complex systems are submitted and the basic characteristics of new type democratic system, which, in opinion of the author, should come instead of democratic system of the American sample, are given. Results of creation of essentially new technical decisions in the field of an artificial intelligence are submitted in three articles, which the author published in 1996 in «Works of the American Conference on Power» [12], and in 1999 and 2000 - in magazine «Scientific Israel - Technological Advantages» [13, 14]. In these works scientific and scientifically practical results, which have been received by the author in former Soviet Union during the period from 1970 till 1992 and in Israel – in the period from 1993 till 2002 are full enough submitted.



3. References:

1.      Wiener N., Cybernetics or control and communication in the animal and in the machine. – Ì., the Science, 1983.

2.      Mesarovic Ì.D., Macko Ä. and Òakahara J., Theory of Hierarchical, Multilevel Systems. – Ì., the World, 1973.

3.      Mesarovic Ì. D., Òakahara J., General Systems Theory: Mathematical Foundations. - Ì., the World, 1978.

4.      Bellman R., The processes of regulation and adaptation. - Ì., the Science, 1964.

5.      Moiseyev N.N., Elements of optimum systems theory. - Ì., the Science, 1975

6.      Germeier J.B., Introduction in the theory of operations research. - Ì., the Science, 1971.

7.      Ashbi W. Ross. Design for a brain. The origin of adaptive behavior. – Ì., Publishing house of the foreign literature, 1962.

8.      Anochin P.K., Philosophical sense of a problem of natural and an artificial intellect. In the book: Alive Cybernetics. The Human being in different aspects. – Ì., the Science, 1985.

9.      Neumann Dzh., Morgenshtern O.,Theory of games and economic behavior. – Ì., the Science, 1970.

10.  Bravy K., Law of management of behavior of goal-oriented systems.– Dep. CNTI "Infromsvyaz", 1988, ¹ 10.

11.  Bravy K.L., Laws of the postindustrial world: The claim of the discovery from 22.01.92. - the State committee of the USSR on affairs of inventions and discoveries.

12.  Bravy Ê. and others., New type of advising systems for diagnostics of steam turbines. - It is published in the Collection of “Works of Annual American Conference on Power”, 1996.

13.  Bravy Ê., Buravlev S., Intelligent Adviser Systems – New Generation of Expert Systems. -       “ Scientific Israel – Technological advantages ”, That 2, 1999.

14.  Bravy Ê., Buravlev S., Intelligent Advisory Systems for increase the safety of modern airplanes flights. - “ Scientific Israel – Technological advantages ”, That 2, 2000.

15.  Simonov P.V., Brain and Creativity. –, It is published on a server 05.06.2002

16.  Rotenberg V.S., Two of the side of one brain and creativity. – the Science and Technologies Center, the Collection of Works of Israel scientific conference «Intelligence and Creativity», Ashdod, Israel, 2001.

17.  Voronov A.A., Stability, controllability, testability. - Ì., the Science, 1979.

18.  Jackson P., Introduction in expert systems. – New York, 2001.

19.  Shumsky S.A. Neural-computing – states and prospects. – Lebedev name Physical institute of Academy of Science of RF. – M., 2002.

20.  Berg A.I., etc.,  Management. Information. Intelligence. – Publishing house " Idea ", Ì., 1976.


Copyright ©  Bravy K, 2003.