Management,  Viability  &  Safety



In former USSR: more than 100 scientific and technological works, including 4 books (2 secret), 54 published papers and overviews in the scientific journals, 36 scientific reports, 14 inventions in navigation and landing system of "Buran" orbital space shuttle (1970 – 1992).  

 The main scientific works in former USSR

1.      Bravy K.L. Rational maintenance system of surface-air missile complexes. - Ph.D. thesis. Scientific-   research institute of Anti-Aircraft Defence, 1975.

2.      Bravy K.L. and others. Technical State Control of Complex Radioelectronic Equipment of Aircraft. Edited by K.L. Bravy. – Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentations, Leningrad, 1982, 84 pages.

3.   Bravy K.L., Koginov M.V. Radio-Technic   Systems. Methods for operation optimization. –

      Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentations, Leningrad, 1986, 77 pages.

4.      Bravy K.L. Conformities with a law of behavior within a goal-oriented system. – DEP, Scientific Technical Informational Institute’s journal “Informosvais”, M., 1988, N 10.

5.    Bravy K.L. Flexible Radio-technical Systems. – D.Sc. thesis., V.I. Ulianov (Lenin) Electrotechnical Institute, Sanct-Petersburg, 1990.  


In Israel: 44 scientific and technological works including  1 book, 24 scientific articles, 15 scientific projects, 2 claims on the inventions in diagnostics, management and operating  of complex equipment , 2 declaration on the scientific discovery in systems biology (1993 – 2004). 

The main scientific and technological works in Israel

1.      Bravy K. The Industrial System Theory as a Scientific Basis for Control Program Engineering. The work is fulfilled in the frames of Prize of State of Israel, Ergatonic, Ashdod, 1994.

2.      Bravy K. Adviser Systems Industry. The work is fulfilled in the frames of “U.S. – Israel Science and Technology Commission”, Ergatonic, Ashdod, 1995.

3.      Bravy K. and others. A new-type advisory subsystem for diagnostics of steam turbines. –American Power Conference, 1996.

4.      Bravy K. Artificial Thinking System for Diagnostics, Maintenance and Operating of Complex Industrial Equipment. The work  is fulfilled in the frames of Information Technology European  Competition, Ergatonic, Ashdod, 1996.

5.      Bravy K. Integrative Adviser Systems – New Generation Expert Systems.  The work  is fulfilled in the frames of Information Technology European Competition, Ergatonic, 1997.

6.      Bravy K. Intelligent Advisory System for diagnostics, maintenance and operating of power steam turbines. The work is fulfilled in the frames of Information Technology European Competition, Turbodec, 1998.

7.      Bravy K. Advisory Systems for Diagnostics of Power Steam Turbines. The report for Chief Scientist of Ministry of Industry and Trade. Ashdod, Turbodec, 1999.

8.      Bravy K. Erganet. The network of Intelligent Advisory Systems for personnel of industrial enterprises in various branches of modern industry. – e-book, Ashdod, 1999.

9.      Bravy K., Buravlev S. Intelligent Adviser Systems – New Generation Expert Systems. –  Scientific Israel  – Technological Advantages, Vol.1, 1999.

10.  Bravy K., Rozenjak A. The methods and tools for diagnostics of multi-parametrical objects. The claim for “Patent Office” of Israel, Ergatonic”, 2000.

11.  Bravy K. Intelligent Advisory Systems. The work  is fulfilled in the frames of Information Technology European Competition, Ergatonic, 2000.

12.  Bravy K., Buravlev S. Intelligent Adviser Systems for Safety Increase of Flights by Airplanes.     Scientific Israel – Technological Advantages, Vol.2, 2000.

13. Bravy K. On the “Wise Machines”. – e-article,  Ashdod, 2000.

14. Bravy K. The methods and tools for behavior control of complex systems. The claim for

      “Patent Office” of Israel, Ergatonic”, 2000.

15. Bravy K. Laws of Management and Communication in Complex Systems. –  Web:, Science and Technology Center, Ashdod, 2000.

16. Bravy K. Society of the future. Dynamics and perspectives of world community progress –

      Web:, Science and Technology Center, Ashdod, 2000

17. Bravy K. Artificial Wisdom Systems. The history, present state and perspectives of

     development.  - Web:, Science and Technology Center, Ashdod,

     Israel, 2001.

18. Bravy K. Artificial Wisdom Systems. The work is fulfilled in the frames of Information

      Technology European Competition, Science and Technology Center, Ashdod, 2001.

19. Bravy K.Laws and processes of homeostatic activity of a brain in viability maintaining of an

      organism in complex  biological systems. Scientific works of Intellectual Technologies

      Institute. Ashdod, Israel, 2002.

20. Bravy K. Dynamic and perspectives in progress of modern postindustrial world. The work is

      fulfilled for publication in journal “Philosphy Problems”, Moskow, Russia, 2002.

21. Bravy K. Optimum Parametrical Control Systems in operating and maintenance of complex

      equipment. Poster & Prospect. The work is fulfilled for Evropean Exhibition of Innovations,

      Nurnberg, 31.11 –  4.12.2002.

22. Bravy K.Laws in viability maintaining of complex biological systems, modern industry and

      social-economic structures. The claim for “Israel Association of Innovators”, Israel, 2002.

23. Bravy K. Bio-information technologies for viability maintaining of modern industry and for

      increasing the personal safety of Human being in postindustrial world. The work  is fulfilled

      for “Scientific Notes“ of the Intellectual Technologies Institute, Ashdod, Israel, 2003.

24. Bravy K. Intellectual Revolution of XX1 centure: Scientific and technological foundations. -

      Intellectual Technologies Institute, Ashdod, Israel, 2003.

25. Bravy K. Bio-cybernetic foundations for optimal governors in a knowledge-based society.

      The  work is fulfilled in the frames of European Unit’s program “Citesence and governors in

     a knowledge-based society”. – Science and Technologies Center, Ashdod, Israel, 2003.

26. Bravy K. Unknown earlier conformity with a law of behavior within a complex biological

      system as the basis for “break-through” research in complex systems science. The

      work is fulfilled in the frames of “Tackling complexity in science” initiative of European

      Unit’s  program “Citesence and governors in a knowledge-based society”. – Science and

      Technologies Center, Ashdod, Israel, 2004.

27. Bravy K. Bio-Intellectual Control Systems. The work  is fulfilled in the frames of Information

      Technology European Competition. - Ergatonic, 2004.

28. Bravy K. Laws of bio-cybernetics and new direction in development of modern industry. –

      Technologies Institute, Ashdod, Israel, 2003.

29. Bravy K. New epoch in development of world community: scientific foundations of

     hurmonious progress of Israel and overcoming of  arabic-israel conflict. – The article prepared

     for publication in news –paper "Vesty", Israel. 2004.

30. Bravy K. Intelligent Advisory Systems for Diagnostics of Power Steam Turbines. The project

      was ewarded gold medal on the Annual International Innovations Exibitioon “IENA 2004” in

      Nurnberg (Germany) 31.11.2004.

31. Bravy K Pure reason science as the basis for a new direcion in dvelopment of Highest

      Education. Scientific works fullfild for Landaw aword established by "Mifal Pais" –

     Intellectual Technologies Institute, Ashdod, Israel, 2004.

32. Bravy K. New epoch in world coomunity's progress: Bio-cybernetics foundations for

      hurmonious development of modern post-industrial world. – Presented for International

     Scientific Conference of Surgut State University, Surgut, Russia,11 – 13.11.2004.

33.  Bravy K. Intelligent Managing Systems – scientific and technological works prepared

      together with "University of Applied Sciences" in Straslund (Germany) for "The

      European Information Sociaty Technologies Prise" - Intellectual Technologies Institute,

     Ashdod, Israel, 2005.

34. Bravy K. International "Meta-cybernetiv Center" for ensuring the liberal progress of global

     community in XX1 century. – Presented for International Seminar "Education for everybody",

     St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia, 2005.

35. Bravy K. Science on  pure reason and new direcion in solution of management problems. The

     article prezented for "Institute of Management Problems" of Russian Academy of Sience. –

     Intellectual Technologies Institute,  Ashdod, Israel, 2005.

36. Bravy K. Bio-intellectual Control Systems for operating and maintenance optimization of

      complex equipment. - Report on "Symposium on Personal Area Communications and the

      Smart Home", Israel, 2005.

3.7 Bravy K. Nature of social Consciousness and new epoch in world civilizations' progress. –

     Report for 11 International Extramural Scientific- practical Conference in Voroneg University,

     Russia, 2005.

38. Bravy K. Artificial Reason: Scientific foundations and development's state. – "Russian Echo",

      ¹ 8, Israel, 2005.

39. Bravy K. Phenomena of unconsciousness and new epoch in modern civilization's progress. –

     "Russian Echo", ¹ 9, Israel, 2005.

40. Bravy K. "Bio-intellectual Technology Institute" for optimal operating and maintenance of

      machinery's complex equipmen. -  Report on seminar "Ideas, projects and technologies" of

     "Sharon" Engineer-Repatriates Center, ¹ 4, Israel, 2005.

41. Bravy K. Nature of Consciousness. Science on Mental Activities. Scientific and technological

     foundations for development. – Presented for publication in  "Russian Echo" journal ¹ 10,

     Israel, 2005.

42. Bravy K. L. "The artificial reason" – new direction in development of artificial intelligence. –

     Transactions of  "Progressive Researches Institute". Vol. 5, Arad, Israel, 2005, pages 21 -25.
43. Bravy K. L. Socia genetics: scientific foundations and metodology for optimal solution of

     future management tasks. - Transactions of  "Progressive Researches Institute". Vol. 5, Arad,

     Israel, 2005, pages 21 -25. Vol. 5, Arad, Israel, 2005, pages 149 – 162.
44. Bravy K. L. New methods and means for optimal operating and maintenance of machines. –

     Transactions of  International Scientific- Technological Conference "The increasing of quality,

    dependability and longevity of techical systems and technological processes", Sherm el Sheich

    (Egipet), 4 – 11, December 2005, pages 39 – 44.    



Copyright ©  Bravy K, 2003.