Management,  Viability  &  Safety

Areas of scientific and practical use of discovery

Areas of scientific and practical use of discovery

under the name Conformity with a Law of viability maintaining of complex biological systems»

  The areas of scientific and practical use of the discovery is determined by essentially new scientific and scientifically practical results which have been received by the author in Cybernetics, Systems Theory, Computer Science, Life Science, Industrial Sciences, Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, Political Sciences, Wisdom Science, Futurology, Bionics and Genetics of biological organisms.

In the field of Systems Theory

The author has allocated a wide class of organizational, organizationally- technical and biological systems, which include control organ and the control means necessary for compensation of chance factors, influencing on behavior of control object, which is carrying out technological functions of these systems. Complex systems of this class in scientific works of the author have received the name «Vital Systems». The author has established, that viability is an integrated property of vital systems, which characterizes ability of control organ effectively use control means for a survival, preservation of functionalities and steady functioning of control object within the limits of its life cycle. The author has offered the “partial order operator» on multiple of the parameters describing functioning process of control object, as universal model of control object of vital systems. The author has offered simple optimizing models for the description of laws of viability maintaining of complex biological systems. And, at last, the author has formulated «a paradigm of viability» which allowed to establish, that unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological system is a sample for conscious activity of a Human being in the field of information processing on a state of multi-parameter objects and the optimum solution of all possible management tasks arising in our postindustrial world.

In the field of Cybernetics 

The author has offered a new way of the information processing on an actual state of multi-parameter objects, which functioning process is characterized by two and more parameters, and a new way of management of vita activities processes of vital systems. Novelty of the offered way of information processing on an actual state of multi-parameter objects is, that multiple of the parameters describing the functioning process of the object, is not limited. The new management method differs from known methods that it provides the optimum solution of all possible management tasks arising in the vital activities process of vital systems by united criterion of the maximal value of viability indications of Vital system at restriction on cost of their life cycle or by criterion of the minimal cost for maintain of beforehand indications of viability of this system. The new method of management became a basis for a new class of management systems, which have received the name: «Bio-cybernetic Control Systems».

In the field of Computer Science 

«Bio-cybernetic Control Systems (BCS)» for the optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in operating and maintenance process of the complex equipment are developed. BCS distinguish all possible "latent defects" of the equipment before they become evident failures. BCS immediately distinguishes an emergency condition of the equipment and operatively form the optimum decision of each from all possible management tasks arising in emergency situations. The problem of the optimum solution of all possible management tasks consists in huge multiple of these tasks and in a choice of the optimum decision of everyone. For example, if serviceability of the equipment is characterized only by ten (10) determining parameters, and each parameter can essentially appear in the admission or outside of the admission there is a necessity operatively to define the best decision of management tasks for any of 1024 situations (2 in a degree 10) which can arise by results of the serviceability control of this equipment. BCS provide the optimum decision of all possible management tasks by uniform criterion of optimality. Expected benefit from BCS, on one hand, is determined by that they will provide significant decrease the level of accidents which last years were marked in spheres of atomic power plants, aircraft, a marine sea fleet, the chemical industry and in oil and gas transportation systems. On other hand, benefit from BCS is determined by that they will provide significant reduction huge financial losses because of belated, incorrect or not optimum actions in operating and maintenance of the complex equipment in various branches of modern industry.

In the field of Industrial Sciences

On the basis of development «Bio-cybernetic Control Systems (BCS)» the author has offered the concept of "Wise Machinery» which themselves, without assistance from a Human being determine who, what, when and how should act for technical availability, functional efficiency and safety maintaining of modern machines (airplanes, ships, atomic power stations and so forth) within the limits of their life cycle.

In the field of Life Science 

The mathematical model of homeostatic activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems is offered. On the basis of bio-cybernetic architecture the author of scientific discovery together with his learners has developed «Optimum Parametrical Control Systems (OPCS) for viability maintaining of complex equipment”. On the basis of above OPCS the author proposed the functional description of Decisions Support Systems for the practicing doctor in the field of health services of the person and veterinary service of animals.

In the field of Economic Sciences

On the basis of bio-cybernetic architecture the author of scientific discovery together with his learners has developed «Optimum Parametrical Control Systems (OPCS)”, which present practically realized applications of BCS. Technical uniqueness OPCS for viability maintaining of the modern industry is, that they possess all advantages of the both centralized control systems and decentralized control systems and are deprived of shortages of these systems. Economic uniqueness of OPCS is, that they provide substantial increase of labor productivity and rate of profit in various branches of real economy. Benefit from Optimum Parametrical Control Systems will be, that OPCS allow to increase the technical availability of the equipment in 1.5 – 2 times, functional efficiency of the equipment - in 2 – 2,5 times, safety using of the machines - in 4,5 – 5 times. Direct financial profit from OPCS is, that they will provide reduction the operating and maintenance cost of complex equipment in 1.5 – 2 times. Values of the above-stated indications are received in the practical works executed under the direction of the author in diagnostics, maintenance and operating of power steam turbines, board preventing collisions systems of airplanes, ground-air missile complexes and navigation and landing systems of orbital space shuttles.

In the field of Social Sciences

The model of a multilevel hierarchical control system which allows to distribute efforts in the field of the decision of the management tasks arising during social and economic support of citizens is offered. This distribution is carried out in such a manner that the successful decision of management tasks at any higher level, for example, at a level of social and economic support of pensioners, is possible only under condition of the successful decision of management tasks at all subordinate levels, for example, on a degree of operating and maintenance of modern machinery. Introduction of this model will provide an opportunity of the optimum solution of all possible management tasks arising during social- economic support of citizens by uniform criterion of filling a basket of the goods and services.

In the field of Political Sciences

It is established, that dynamics of development of the world community is determined by aspiration of the most advanced countries of the world at each stage of the world community development to provide viability of its political system, the character of which is determined by an actual state of technological development of the goods and services production. It is shown, that to each stage of development of the world community there corresponds the stage of representation of functioning model of our world.

In the field of Futurology

Development of Optimum Parametrical Control Systems is a basis for creation of new type democratic system, which will come instead of democratic system of the American sample. Distinctive feature of new type democratic system is that it will provide the coordination of interests of various social groups of citizens for steady economic development of their country and viability maintaining of the modern postindustrial world; and the coordination of interests will be carried out not on the basis of ideology, but on the basis of new technology of viability maintaining of complex systems. The urgency of a problem of viability maintaining of the modern postindustrial world is determined by destructive consequences of the global terrorist activity representing real threat for democratic principles in development of the modern postindustrial world.

In the field of Bionics

The author’s scientific discovery in the field of biological cybernetics became a basis for creation of the Optimum Parametrical Control Systems representing artificial intelligence systems, which considerably surpass opportunities of a natural brain of the modern person in the field of decisions making in viability maintaining of complex industrial systems, social-economic systems and public- political systems.

In the field of Genetics of biological organisms

The discovery of the author in biological cybernetics and the mathematical description of viability maintaining of complex biological systems through which action of objective laws of biological cybernetics is shown, were a basis for the mathematical description of information processes of a heredity and variability ensuring of biological systems.

In the field of Wisdom Science

The basic stages of development of a modern Wisdom Science are established. It is shown, that the first stage of development of Wisdom Science is connected to successes of Cybernetics of Norbert Wiener, including Technical cybernetics, Economic cybernetics and Biological cybernetics. The second stage is a stage of development of Information Technologies, which are most brightly submitted by uniform information system " Internet " and Information systems of measurement and display of the parameters describing of functioning process of the complex industrial equipment in various branches of the modern industry. The third stage is a stage of development of Expert Systems, which are based on formalization of experience and knowledge of highly skilled experts in various spheres. The fourth stage is a stage of development of Bio-cybernetic Control systems (BCS), which are based on the strict mathematical description of unconscious activity of a homeostatic brain in viability maintaining of an organism of biological systems. The fifth stage is a stage of wide development of the Optimum Parametrical Control Systems intended for the optimum solution of all possible management tasks arising in the modern postindustrial world. It is shown, that the second and third stages of development of Wisdom Science are based on substantive provisions of "Informatics" and Computer Science, and the fourth and the fifth – on the basis of scientific discovery “Conformity with a law of viability maintaining of complex biological systems” and on the mathematical description of 5 (five) nature objective laws of biological cybernetics. The laws of bio-cybernetics, which based on mathematical description of unconscious activities process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems, in the author’s scientific works received the title “Laws of Clear Wisdom”. In this sense the new direction in development of Wisdom Science received the title on action of “Clear Wisdom Science” for optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in various vital systems.

 In the field of Soul Science

The author has shown, that homeostatic activity of a brain essentially differs from activity of "Consciousness", "Sub-consciousness" and «Over- consciousness» and is carried out by rules "right cerebral hemisphere" activity. Uniqueness of homeostatic activity of a brain, in opinion of the author, on one hand, is, that it is unconscious activity of a brain, which does not depend on a degree of development of consciousness, and with another, - that this activity is carried out under the nature laws in viability maintaining of complex biological systems («Laws of Biological cybernetics»). These scientific results of the author were a substantiation for introduction of concept «Super- consciousness», which the author has defined as a process of professional activity of the person in the field of management in vital activities processes of complex technical, organizational and organizationally- technical systems under the nature laws of viability maintaining of biological systems. Definition of concept «Super-consciousness» has allowed to formulate by the author the considerations about the activity of “Super – consciousness» for the decision of management tasks in various spheres. The main considerations about the activity of “Super – consciousness» are the following:

  ·        The work of “Super – consciousness» is a special kind of production activity of the person in the field of optimal solution of management tasks arising in vital activities processes of complex technical systems when the operator makes a decision on management without of observable attributes, and on the basis of recommendations of the Optimum Parametrical Control System in various branches of the modern industry.

  ·        The work of “Super – consciousness» in the field of management of vital activities processes of organizationally- technical systems is carried out on the basis of mathematical description of unconscious activity process of a brain in viability maintaining of an organism of complex biological systems.  

·        The potential of unconscious activity of a brain by results of the scientific researches submitted by Scientific Council on a complex problem "Cybernetics" of Academy of Science of the former USSR, is determined by that in the common balance of a brain information processes at a unconscious level is processed 10 in 9 degrees of bits of the information in a second while at a conscious level only10 in 2 degrees of bits [20].

·        Distinctive attribute of unconscious activity of the person (without of observable attributes) in the field of management of complex technical systems behavior is that this activity is carried out not without the control by the "Consciousness" which is connected at the final stage of decision-making. It means, that the operator in especially responsible cases not begins to carry out the recommendation of the Optimum Parametrical Control System until he will not receive "consultation" from this computer system, which will allow for operator to realize reliability of its recommendations.

 ·        Advantage of the Optimum Parametrical Control Systems (OPCS) in comparison with all known Decisions Support Systems is that OPCS allows to choose operatively optimum decisions which correspond to the nature laws in viability maintaining of biological systems, among all set of possible decisions in the field of management of viability maintaining processes of organizational technical systems. For example, OPCS today gives out optimum instructions for solution of all possible management tasks arising in operating and maintenance process of complex technical systems, by criterion of a minimum of cost of maintaining of given indications of technical availability, functional efficiency and safety of these systems.

  All above-stated has allowed the author to make the conclusion, that activity of «Super-consciousness» will provide an opportunity effectively to use huge, but for the present faintly evaluated potential of unconscious activity of a homeostatic brain of complex biological systems for the optimal solution of all possible management tasks arising in vital activities process of complex technical, organizational and organizationally- technical systems.



Copyright ©  Bravy K, 2003.